Portugal again
This is a selection of the photos I took in Portugal over the winter/spring, until my camera was unfortunately stolen. The time in Portugal (from November 2023 to July 2024) was again very special. Many great people entered my life, others were allowed to leave. I realized that there is still a lot of potential for me to stand up for myself, set proper boundaries and take care of myself.
I've finally been able to paint again, a few paintings are almost finished, unfortunately not completely, as I've moved twice and also lived in the van for a month completely voluntarily. I wanted to live in the van to get out of my comfort zone again. Apparently, I'm either brave and lively on the road, but with a tense body, or I feel safe and comfortable in one place and don't want to get out and explore and experience new things. The outdoors then becomes kind of scary then. I hope to find a healthy balance soon.
In May, I took part of The Water Retention Landscapes course at Tamera and it was a really great experience. I met such interesting people there with similar visions and inspiring knowledge. It was very inspiring and gave me a lot of energy.
I am currently writing this summary in a cafe in Östersund, Sweden. But it's good to take some time to reflect on this time before heading back to Portugal in October.
If you're interested in my trip, you can get more day-to-day insights on Instagram in the stories and highlights!