Norway week seven - Internalisation

The last week I traveled slowly. Actually only from one mountain to the next. In the Jotunheimen National Park I stayed the last nights. It was freezing cold there, only three degrees at night. But I wanted to stay until my departure, in one of the most beautiful places in Norway and say goodbye from there.

If you live nowhere, you can live anywhere. Free to be anywhere in the world, the world is my backyard, as the slogan of a camper app goes. The people you deal with are not strangers but like-minded travelers. You live outside the classic society, but you are part of another, parallel one.

In the last few weeks I have experienced a great freedom and learned to be flexible and to live in the day and see what happens. This feeling of freedom and lightness, of searching for meaning and being allowed to live as I want, has accompanied me very much. When I think back to the last weeks, I see myself strong, courageous and flexible in spirit, open, curious and adventurous.

Can I take this feeling and this part of me inside? This part that I met there? Why should a national border stop it, maybe I rather picked it up and it was more than just a short affair.

The rough wind and the cold, dry air grinded at me and exposed a few new (old) layers and they were also immediately so nice to carry them with them and spread them on the plains, the turquoise lakes and in the fjords. Also in Portugal I left baggage, fears behind. Maybe one day only an essence of me will remain. One becomes so less and less but maybe in the end the true remains. New parts I have hopefully packed again. It is important to be careful that the things that are left behind are really those that you no longer need.

Now it's off to Germany for a few weeks and then back to Portugal for a third chapter. I am curious what will be revealed there.

Things I have already learned:
13. If you don't live anywhere, you can live anywhere.
14. You can meet yourself anywhere.

If you're interested in my trip, you can get more day-to-day insights on Instagram in the stories and highlights!

This trip meant more to me than seeing Norway. Rather, it was an opening to leave, to initiate a change. Saying goodbye to Norway is like saying goodbye to a part of who I was/ could be here. This realization hit me unprepared the night before I left and made me shed a few tears. I don't want to go back! That's what came into my head. Norway, where I felt I had been for months instead of weeks.

Living on the street, sleeping in parking lots or in nature, the bathroom is the lake, the toilet the nearest gas station, the refrigerator the supermarket. Where others go for a photo, you are living. And although it was only a few weeks in Norway (together with Portugal and the time in between it is 8 months) I ask myself: Can I still live "normally" now?

All the questioning of "What am I doing here?" was unnecessary. It was time to find myself again, to feel myself without distractions and to make my limits clear. And I also feel this was just the beginning or another chapter for me. What I experienced and internalized there remains and I come back as a different person. A new part was activated there and may now solidify in me.

No one will be able to understand my trip, and it can not be expected, it is simply impossible. I don't feel any different about other travel stories. But maybe you can remember your own moments, where you felt the same. I try to make here at least a part understandable, to take all who are interested. If this sounds confused, then that's because not everything has found its place, that probably comes with time and distance.


Portugal again


Norway week six - Fjords And Mountain Roads